ABC state; local governments issue local licenses; state controls wholesale liquor distribution, state licenses, enforcement; state licenses more than 90 liquor industry representatives, 29 beer wholesalers, three liquor manufacturers and more than 820 out-of-state wine shippers (2016); had 140,000 square foot warehouse to store state liquor supply; state has more than 1,250 privately-owned retail businesses; offers retailers an online ordering system; retail liquor licenses limited by local population – only two licenses allowed in towns under 500 people, no more than one additional per 500 people in cities up to 9,500 people, then no more than one per 3,000 people above 9,500 people; no more than three other retail liquor outlets allowed within 5 miles of a city or town limits except for beer-only businesses; cities, towns may grant “restaurant liquor licenses” but amounting to not more than 50 percent of the number of their licensed retail outlets; state directs city of Laramie to issue special beer license for the student union at University of Wyoming.

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