Local option; 7 dry counties, 53 wet counties, 194 counties mixed wet and dry (2016); legal hours for alcohol consumption are Monday-Saturday 7 a.m.-2:15 a.m., noon-2:15 a.m. Sunday; spirit distilleries may make up to 3,000 gallons a year for sale on premises, 3,500 gallons for off-premises sales; brewpubs may make 10,000 barrels of beer a year for consumption and sell up to 1,000 barrels of it to retailers; brewers making up to 125,000 barrels a year may sell 40,000 barrels to retailers.


Companies that are publicly traded, with more than 35 people holding ownership shares, are prohibited from holding package liquor licenses except “a package store located in a hotel.” That upsets public company store chains such as Wal-Mart. Also, Texas limits people from owning more than five liquor stores in the same county. However, “persons related within the first degree of consanguinity” (that is, blood relatives) who already own two or more stores may “consolidate” more than five of their families’ stores.

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