Some local options; state offers licenses to manufacture and sell in state beer up to 5 percent alcohol by weight and up to 21 percent alcohol by weight; bars subject to regular day sales hours on Super Bowl Sunday, Sundays before Memorial and Labor days and if New Year’s Eve, New Year’s, St. Patrick’s days and July 4th fall on a Sunday; no alcohol sales within 100 feet of schools or religious facilities without consent; homemade production of 200 gallons/year for beer or wine permitted for family or personal use by two people, 100 gallons for one person; microbreweries may produce up to 10,000 barrels a year and state charges a $5 fee per 100 barrels.


It is permitted under Missouri law in general to be drunk in public, as well as to drink alcohol in public, however you may face arrest if you are drunk and disorderly at an occupied school, church or courthouse.

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